

LifeSchooling is "homeschooling" in our home; I do not like the term homeschooling because I feel that there is a ignorant stigma around it to certain stereotypes. We are not taking the classroom, it's routine and doubling that in our home. 
Bubba does Math, Social, Studies, Science, English, Computer Science, Robotics, Auto Mechanics & LIFE SKILLS.
We want our kids to be kids, to enjoy & explore life; not rush through it. I want my kids to know that the house does not come with a maid or a magic fairy who cleans it when they go to sleep. Food that goes in your belly doesn't get there by just asking Mom or Dad. If you lost something there is no wand to shake & it will appear.

Responsibility & Accountability are BIG in the house! 
I am learning myself to hand over the reins of control in certain areas so I can teach the kids about  R & A ugh it can be hard sometimes.

Our definition of schooling is to love learning, to understand that if you have the tools to be able to self teach that you can do ANYTHING!

My goal with our kids is yes, to teach them all the subjects that I am supposed to in the scope & sequence  of their grade, get stuck on topics that they fall in love with & want to know everything about, I want to have them learn about things that interest them, that make learning fun that is what it is supposed to be anyway!
We work on building confidence a lot, with SPD there is a lot of anxiety & Bubba is a bit of a perfectionist (he was born that way) if he thinks he can't do it  or that it won't be correct he just won't try. I am trying to teach him that we are supposed to be wrong & fail it is a part of life. 

I have a core curriculum that we use; plus lapbooks, unit studies, field trips, hands on learning ect......

Life skills are really important in our house being self sufficient Bubba has his set of chores & a time frame of 10 am - 3 pm. Bubba can take breaks while schooling if he needs to, then come back to the task at hand especially if he is having a hard time with a certain problem.

There are set chores Bubba has that are his & then 2 or 3 days a week are laundry days.

NO electronics until all school & chores are done!

I am getting trying to finalize our schedule with all the additional out of house stuff in the coming weeks :)

I will say that this is not always easy or fun BUT it is SO worth it!

