BAER test results

The Beast was scheduled for his BAER Test in August, thankfully there was a cancellation and we were able to get in a month sooner.

The waiting is the worst part!

When you have answers you can find tools to work through whatever may come at you, but having assumptions & what ifs ugh they just suck. You can't really do anything except guess at what might work....

The staff is amazing; very comforting and helpful with the explanation of the anesthesia what they were going to do to him. The thing that I honestly adore about CCMC is the fact that they observed him in the room while we chatted and had a good understanding of his personality. 
I just love that they got that The Beast just isn't a kid that you are going to reason with, especially if it is something he doesn't want to do! You kind of just have to muscle through it even though it can be stressful.
They administered him a medicine that made his a loopy and wobbly; put some numbing cream on his hand and the bend of his arm. We then waited a little bit to wrangle him for his IV. 
When is was time the audiologist arrived, a second nurse to assist with the IV, the anesthesiologist came back to The Beast's bedside. 

Everything was moving really fast! 
The anesthesiologist looked at me after the got the IV in and flushed.

He said "Just talk to him we are going to start to push the sedation medication; Meghan just remember it is going to be REALLY fast"

I swear he finished his sentence; my little boy went slack jawed, eyes rolled in the back of his head and he was like a rag doll. 

Scariest moment to date as a parent!

My husband looked at me "Babe better you than me I would have puked and passed out!"

The audiologist explained the test once more, told us to go get some food or coffee and come back in an hour. Leaving that room was really tough, seeing my little guy so still with O2 nose thing, IV, leads to monitor his vitals and leads for the auditory test.

We went down to the cafeteria had some food and coffee then made our way back up stairs after about 40 minutes.

Walked in the door, they said he ears 100% in both ears!

I was very happy to have confirmation about his hearing, now I had answers no longer stuck on what ifs.

The Beast was still out they had to remove the O2 to start to rouse him; he was NOT a happy boy when he woke up, got him some apple juice made sure he had his barrings about him a little, loaded him into his stroller then home we went.

The test was kind of scary,but totally necessary to be able to move forward in Beast's speech delay, we know he hears now; just have to keep on working on breaking things down, repeating, reinforcing sign language and when he is ready he will talk.

It is a waiting game now.
