Summer School

We had an end of the year PPT to discuss how Bubba was doing in class, how services were going with his speech & language pathologist. We found out that his SLP was retiring, he would have a new teacher. He was making progress with her, his teacher & para were helping him cope and effectively communicate. We discussed the plan for next year how many days a week he would be going & what session morning or afternoon. Bubba qualified for the extended year program from PreK after his introduction period to school. Extended School Year Program a.k.a. Summer School was not what I expected. There was a little boy who did not get along with Bubba, both of them struggling with speech & communication not a great mix. One day I received a phone call letting me know that my son had hit this boy with a spoon on his forehead and gave him an egg. I felt so bad for that little boy & couldn't believe that my kid actually hit another kid. I was used to it with his panic...