I have found myself on autopilot these past few weeks. You look at your calendar make a mental note of the bat shit crazy schedule, prioritize what you need really give your focus to and move on. I have been so wrapped up making sure my boys get to doctors appointments, assessments, therapies, school and meetings. I haven’t really had a chance to catch up with myself. I haven’t had time to process all the NEW…. I haven’t slowed down. If I do I might lose a step; flying of the wheel. You know when hamsters gets going in those things,the wheels turning into a cyclone under scurrying feet, then boom a blur of fur tumbling being ejected from the crazy ride! Dazed and confused shaking off and trying to figure out what the hell just happened! Ya that is me right now.... Sitting here with my fingers dancing over the keyboard typing away with no end game, no plan, no idea where this is going. I just need to process, get it all out so maybe I can organize my thoughts, quiet the voic...
Showing posts from March, 2017
The Elephant in the Room
I am going to address the elephant in the room today. This blog might seem a bit scattered, but it is par for the course considering the writer…. I posted something on Instagram a few weeks ago. It was my “it’s going to be ok moment.” I still feel this way, BUT there is an elephant that lives in our house. One that none of us really want talk about out loud: a “what if.” I think the one thing that is drastically different when you have a child with extra TLC needs is that the “what ifs” are something that you have to stare down; deal with no matter how freaking petrifying it is to say it out loud or put the plans in place. MAKING IT A REALITY….. I have been depressed for months and living in the shadows of my life. I haven't blogged because I was pretty sure someone would wonder if I was going to go back to my old ways of cutting or something else. The thing is about depression and anxiety is that your perception is different. I normally love a good chall...
I saw this poor woman standing outside Target the other day, she was desperately trying to get her son into the cart just to go into the store. He was a big kid, maybe 5 years of age, oh my gosh he was screaming and stiff she couldn't even get him into the big part of the cart! The kid had a binky in his mouth and wasn't talking or yelling anything at her. He was just mad SO mad! I think she was signing to him, but it could have just been her trying to make him laugh with funny hand movements to relax him. He was getting madder and madder. The part that was really hard to watch was when he started grabbing and pulling her hair! Jerking her head all over the place. The kid was inconsolable other people were staring at her too... I couldn't believe what I was seeing, she just held him in her arms while he flailed and arched his back, shaking his head no. Still pulling her hair and actually he pulled some of it out! She kept saying to him "We have to go shopp...
Early Interevention to Preschool Transition
Filled with anxiety, joy, sadness and uncertainty. I had to come to terms with Beast turning three and all the massive change that came with it. Three meant exiting Birth to Three services, saying goodbye to my amazing team, massive routine changes and the BIG one: sending my son to school.... I know all parents have issues with sending their kid to school for the first time. Are they going to make friends? Is their teacher going to be nice? What am I going to do during this time? I hope they behave? My baby is growing up so soon? I know that there are many things that parents worry about when they let go of their child's hand for the first time to enter a new chapter in their lives. I wish my worries were that simple. Before entering Preschool for Beast we had to have a invitational PPT to discuss evaluations and sign forms of consent for testing for placement and skill assessment for a diagnosis for the school. Lots of paperwork is filled out...
I started having some concerns early on with Beast, the biggest being that he wasn't talking or babbling. I had expressed concerns at 9 months, 12 months, and at 15 months I made my point clear to my pediatrician and got a referral to Birth to Three. Bubba was delayed in speech, fine and gross motor. There were other things that I feel if we had had Birth to Three wouldn't have been looked over. I was going to stay on the ball with Beast make sure he got Early Intervention. I remember Bubba's frustration with not being about to communicate with us. Beast qualified for services and we had a great teacher, but he wasn't really making any progress. His ear infections started to come more frequently; finally he got PE tubes. We had concerns that maybe his hearing was being effected by his ear infections. We found out after the tubes and a sedated BAER test that his hearing was good. We had a team meeting and administered the Modified Checklist ...
I figure that there should be a little bit more about who I am, not just the Mom of Bubba and Finn-Beast. Hi I'm Meghan. I'm 35 stay at home mom to my two awesome boys. My boys have some alphabet soup and so do I. Bubba has ADHD, SPD and ASD. Beast is nonverbal ASD, MCAD and I'm going to say SPD informally. I have ADHD. I am a high school dropout with a GED. I wanted to talk about how I got to be where I am now because I feel that it's important to know that I'm not a super educated person with degrees, but someone who has stumbled, fallen and gotten back up repeatedly. I have learned the hard way that you need to be true to yourself. I want you to understand that you are your worst enemy. Limiting yourself to someone else's standards will do nothing, but make you less than what you are capable of... I'm going to give a quick back story. I'm adopted from Korea I have 2 older sisters and a younger brother who is also adopted from Korea. My parent...
Three Pictures One Shirt
I've been published by The Mighty a few times and they sent out these amazingly soft shirts with their logo to their contributors to say thank you! I've been published by The Mighty a few times and they sent out these amazingly soft shirts with their logo to their contributors to say thank you! The first picture was taken on March 12th 2016, why do I know this exact date? This is the date that marks a new chapter in Finn's story. On this day he woke up itchy and had a few hives, called our pediatrician brought him in to be checked out. Gave him some benadryl after our appointment things were ok. We got home I checked the mail and saw a package for me, eagerly opening it I saw it was my shirt so of course I changed into it and took a selfie! I heard blood curdling screams coming from Finn's bedroom. The hair stood up on the back of my neck walking upstairs not sure what I was going to find. What I found was my son on the floor in pain with hives all over him. ...
Diet Coke and Mentos
The breakdown of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mast Cell Activation Disease both are WAY more complex than what I have written here, I needed a simple way to explain each diagnosis to focus on how the combination of these two conditions impact Finn. I've been struggling at trying to write something about Mast Cell Activation Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder. It's kind of like adding fuel to a fire, but not sure which one is the accelerant. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological condition that is diagnosed with the ADOS/ Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule with focus in areas with repetitive behaviors, sensory, social and communication. Mast Cell Activation Disease or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is an immunological condition in which mast cells inappropriately and excessively release chemical mediators, resulting in a range of chronic symptoms, sometimes including anaphylaxis or near-anaphylaxis attacks. Primary symptoms include cardiovascular, dermatolo...